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React and Reagent

Learn how to build reactive user interfaces based on ClojureScript and React.js. These episodes gradually build up your knowledge. You start by building a small app using React directly, then move on to using Reagent, a popular wrapper library. Finally you learn how to give your Reagent apps a more coherent structure based on re-frame.

6. Building a React app with ClojureScript

Building a React app with ClojureScript

9. Reagent, part 1

Reagent, part 1

10. Reagent, part 2: Cursors

Reagent, part 2: Cursors

11. Reagent, part 3: Keys & Lifecycle Methods

Reagent, part 3: Keys & Lifecycle Methods

19. re-frame, part 1

re-frame, part 1

20. re-frame, part 2: Subscriptions

re-frame, part 2: Subscriptions

25. re-frame, part 3: Events and Effects

re-frame, part 3: Events and Effects

41. Using React Components with Reagent

Using React Components with Reagent